Academic Code Of Conduct
Upholding Excellence: Academic Code of Conduct
Anand Niketanites are expected to have the right attitude towards learning and should be disciplined. Every Anand Niketanite is expected to know and apply five basic principles to achieve personal discipline.
Follow Rules: Rules must be followed to avoid chaos.
Show Respect: Anand Niketanites must have self-respect and should exhibit respect for their families, school, and community.
Take Responsibility: Anand Niketanites must bear responsibility for their own actions and be accountable. They must know that any irresponsible act may lead to consequences not only for themselves but also for others.
Build Relationships: Anand Niketanites must build good relationships with family members, teachers, friends, and other fellow schoolmates. Good relationships help to bond people together and create mutual understanding and support.
Practice Reflection: When mistakes (offenses) are committed, Anand Niketanites must reflect and learn from them. They must be able to go through a process of self-reflection and learn not to repeat the same mistake or offense.
Student Declaration
If I am positive and do as requested,
I can expect praise.
If I am disruptive in any way,
I must accept the consequences.
General Discipline
1. Bring the Almanac Daily: Each student should bring the Almanac daily to school.
2. Complete and Sign the Almanac: The Almanac should have the child’s photograph and ID information completed and duly signed by his/her parent.
3. Avoid Damaging School Property: No student should damage any school property. Concerned students will be required to compensate for the damage.
4. Simplicity in Belongings: Expensive and branded pencil boxes, pens, watches, and other valuables are strictly not allowed. Simplicity is the hallmark of Anand Niketan.
5. Label Belongings: Every belonging of the child should be labeled. The school is not responsible for any lost goods. It is advisable not to bring valuable articles to school.
6. Meeting Teachers or Wards: Parents and guardians cannot meet their wards or teachers without prior permission from the authorities.
7. Attend Portfolios: Both parents should be present for Portfolios held during the year or submit a reason for absence (only accepted in case of valid emergencies).
8. Speak in English: It is compulsory for every student to speak in English on the school campus and in the school bus.
9. Mobile Phones Not Allowed: Mobile phones are not allowed in the school. If found, they will be confiscated by the school authorities for a period of one year.
10. Maintain Good Manners: Good manners, abiding by school rules, neatness in person, proper dress, and punctuality are required to be maintained.
11. Maintain Decorum: While moving inside premises during working hours, proper decorum must be maintained. Running, playing, or shouting inside the school premises is not allowed.
12. Dress Code on Birthdays: Students are not permitted to attend school in casual dress except on their respective birthdays.
13. No Section or House Changes: The school shall not entertain any application for change of section/house of any child once allotted at the beginning of the year.
14. Fee Payment: Report cards are liable to be withheld for non-payment of fees.
15. Fixed Activities: Activities such as third language, clubs, and co-scholastic activities, once opted for, shall not be allowed to change during the session.
16. Decent Behavior: This being a co-education school, both boys and girls are required to have decent behavior.
17. Show Respect: Students should always greet teachers, non-teaching staff, and schoolmates with respect, inside or outside school premises.
Bullying is strictly prohibited. It can include:
1. Emotional: Being unfriendly, excluding, or tormenting.
2. Physical: Pushing, kicking, hitting, or any use of violence.
3. Racist: Racial taunts, graffiti, or gestures.
4. Sexual: Unwanted physical contact or abusive comments.
5. Homophobic: Targeting based on sexuality.
6. Verbal: Name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumors, or teasing.
7. Cyber: Misuse of internet platforms, text messages, or technology.
Signs and Symptoms of Bullying:
1. Unwillingness or Fear: Unwillingness or fear of going to school.
2. Behavioral Changes: Behavioral changes, anxiety, or lack of confidence.
3. Stammering or Nightmares: Stammering or experiencing nightmares.
4. Damaged Possessions: Damaged possessions or unexplained bruises.
5. Poor Academic Performance: A sudden drop in academic performance.
6. Aggressiveness or Withdrawal: Becoming aggressive or withdrawing from others.
Actions to Take:
1. Inform your Director: Share your concerns with the Director.
2. Inform your Principal: Report the issue to the Principal.
3. Inform your Teacher: Talk to your teacher about it.
4. Inform the Head Boy or Head Girl: Seek help from the Head Boy or Head Girl.
5. Inform your Parents: Discuss the issue with your parents.
6. Inform a Friend: Share your concerns with a trusted friend.
Birthday Celebrations
1. Students are not allowed to distribute sweets, chocolates, or gifts.
2. They may bring a potted plant for the school garden or a book for the class library.
School Lockers
1. Lockers are assigned to students from Grade III to XII.
2. Students should use their lockers responsibly. The school is not liable for lost items.
3. Damaged lockers will incur a charge.
Identification Card (ID)
1. ID cards must be worn during school hours.
2. Lost ID cards can be reissued with a payment.
School Infirmary
1. Sick students will be taken to the infirmary, and parents will be notified if needed.
2. Basic first aid will be provided, and emergencies will be addressed promptly.
Library & Browsing Room
1. Maintain strict silence in the library.
2. Personal belongings are not allowed.
3. Only two books can be issued for 15 days.
4. Damaged or late-returned books will incur fines or replacement charges.
Change of Address
1. Inform the class teacher or office about any changes in contact details.
Usage of School Phones
1. Students cannot use school phones for personal communication except in emergencies.
2. Parents should ensure children are prepared for the day to avoid disruptions.
Attendance Policies
1. Attendance in school during term time is compulsory.
2. Students must be punctual for class lessons and school activities.
3. Once a child has come to school, he/she will not be allowed to go on a half-day leave. In case of an emergency, parents can personally come and pick up their wards. No child will be allowed to go home with an unknown person.
4. It is compulsory for the students to be present for the full day on Periodic Assessment day. Half-day leaves on any assessment day will not be granted. If there is a serious health concern, it must be substantiated with a medical certificate.
5. Absence without a valid reason will not be accepted.
6. The school should be officially intimated in case of any kind of absence.
7. All students must be present on the opening day of the school after vacation.
8. Absence for more than three days after the school reopens will call for strict disciplinary action.
9. A medical certificate should be submitted to the class teacher for any health-related absence.
10. Absence for more than ten days after vacation or during the regular school schedule without a leave note makes the student liable to have his/her name struck off from the attendance roll.
11. Once the name of the student is struck off from school records due to long absence without intimation, re-admission can be granted with all due procedures.
12. A student suffering from a contagious disease will not be permitted to attend school. He/She can resume school on submitting a medical certificate after the quarantine period.
Internal Guidelines
Change of Address
Our office staff works very hard to keep students records absolutely current. This can only be accomplished with your help. It is essential that we have accurate, up-to-date information available on your child’s information card in order to connect you in the event of an emergency, Please notify the class teacher or the office for any change in your address, home or work phone numbers.
School phones
Parents are encouraged to share after school instructions with their child before they leave for school in the morning. Interruptions are a disruptive experience for teachers and disturb and classroom instruction. Hence, a message that needs to get to a student during the school day may be left at the School Office and given to the Class Teacher at recess or lunchtime, unless it is an emergency.
Food and Transportation
At Anand Niketan Maninagar, we prioritize the safety, comfort, and nutrition of our students. Learn more about our reliable transportation services and the wholesome meals provided to support student well-being.
- Transport
1. Students can avail the school transport facility, subject to the availability of seats.
2. The school buses have fixed routes, and parents should contact the school transport-in-charge for necessary details.
3. Students must be at their designated bus stops 5-7 minutes before the bus arrives.
4. The buses will not wait for latecomers.
5. All students must occupy their seats immediately after boarding the bus.
6. Eating or drinking is not allowed on school transport.
7. Students are not allowed to throw anything outside the school bus.
8. Students using the school transport must maintain proper discipline, or else the transport facility will be withdrawn with immediate effect.
9. Students will be held responsible for any damage to the buses caused by negligence or vandalism and will be fined for such damages.
10. Parents are responsible for picking up their child from the designated bus stop. If they are not present, the child will be dropped off at the last stop on the route.
11. Children will be handed over only to persons carrying the parent card.
12. Any changes to the bus route, pickup location, or contact information must be submitted in writing to the school office along with an administrative charge of Rs. 100/-.
13. In case of a change in phone number, the school office and the transport-in-charge should be informed a month in advance through a written application.
14. Transport fare may change based on fuel price increases.
15. Respect for the bus driver and conductor is highly appreciated.
- Food
We provide students at Anand Niketan Maninagar with wholesome, balanced, and nutritious meals. Our trained Food Department staff prepare meals following high standards of hygiene and safety, fostering healthy eating habits among students.